“Canadian trio revitalise 1980s indie touchstones” – MOJO 4 stars ****

 “summery jangles and lilting vocals prevail” – CLASSIC POP 4 stars ****

"when the songs are as good as these, Tallies having no problem standing aside their heroes." – BROOKLYN VEGAN

"an upbeat, twinkly shamble with some elegantly weary vocals" – STEREOGUM

"merges breezy riffs with a contagious optimism" – PASTE

"Crackling with kinetic energy — due in no small part to muscular production by Holy Fuck's Graham Walsh — the songs on Patina are mostly unbound from the orbit of the band's dream pop forebears." –  EXCLAIM

BEST OF 2019 SO FAR – “a record that echoes so many of my favourite things” – DON LETTS / BBC RADIO

“this quartet hit a melancholy sweet spot between The Sundays, Sarah Records and Slowdive” – Q

“Tallies outperform expectations and presents a band to watch” – THE DAILY MIRROR

“this Toronto-based quartet inject sufficient Sundays / Cocteaus-ish vocal and melodic bounce to soften even the most calcified indie heart” – MOJO

“Chuck in a dollop of shoegaze and dream-pop, and a smidgeon of surf pop, and you’ve got a rather lovely complete package.” – CRACK

“Combining upbeat drum beats, melodic bass riffs, jingly guitar leads, and fluttery vocals, TALLIES gives out a soft, yet bouncy ray of sunshine.” – ROUGH TRADE

“Dreamy guitar pop with that Canadian sensibility, with influences ranging from The Pastels to The Sundays, Orange Juice, and The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart.” – CLASH

“Working together like a team of gifted archeologists, the band have created the best kind of backward-looking album. It doesn’t just repeat the past, it mines it for gold while tossing out the dross, a process that works to refine this record until it gleams like a precious gem.” – ALL MUSIC

“Sounding fresh and exciting whilst fully highlighting not only Cogan and Frankland’s insatiable knack for crafting timeless melodies, but also the taut rhythm section of bass player Stephen Pitman and drummer Cian O’Neill underpinning their every move… It’s also a glorious entrée of sorts to what promises to be a glittering career for its creators.” – 8.5/10 UNDER THE RADAR

“already hotly tipped to feature in many of 2019’s end of year Best Of lists – Tallies bares all the hallmarks of indie pop’s golden era” – DROWNED IN SOUND

“Best Music Releases Of The Week – Ready to roll my windows down and turn the volume all the way up” – NYLON

“both brooding and bright, merging jangly, psychedelic guitar tones with a crashing beat that runs into the distance with vocalist Sarah Cogan’s angelic vocals.” – THE LINE OF BEST FIT

“Matching the songwriting prowess of The Sundays or Teenage Fanclub against the sheer lust for sound evident in the Cocteau Twins” – CLASH

“Tallies is less an album than an old book of secrets, passed down from one generation to the next when the right age has come.” – BANDCAMP ESSENTIAL

“Like nostalgia, spring is temporary, and Tallies are nearing full bloom, with all the pieces to outlast any season” – 8/10 EXCLAIM!

“Their woozy, jangly sound brings to mind dream pop of the 1980s” – HYPE MACHINE

“on retrouve un feeling new wave eighties que n’aurait pas détesté un certain Morissey. Une belle découverte” – I HEART RADIO

“The guitars come right out of the 80s (and occasionally early ‘90s) for that jangling, chiming resonance and make for a dreamy soft-focus glow while the vocals bounce out to ace the sound.” – ROUGH TRADE

“Tallies are the personification of basking in the first rays of the year. Tentatively hopeful and finally ready for whatever comes next.” – GOLD FLAKE PAINT

“Crafting the kind of woozy, surf-pop nodding gold that wouldn’t sound out of place blaring out of a busted cadillac cruising past Venice Beach” – DIY

“While they’re still in their relative infancy, you might want to get out and see them live, so you can say “I saw them when…” – THE 405

“Tallies have a jangly sound that at times recalls The Smiths, The Sundays and other ’80s alt bands, but singer Sarah Cogan’s smoky vocals pull things into other territory” – BROOKLYN VEGAN